ARL Bio Pharma

About ARL Bio Pharma

ARL Bio Pharma is a contract laboratory that provides analytical and microbiological testing to pharmaceutical companies and research scientists. Our laboratory is headquartered in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and serves over 3,000 clients nationwide. Since 1998, ARL has supported the industry-wide commitment to deliver high-quality therapeutic drug products by providing guidance and test services for...

  • US
  • 2019
    On CPHI since
  • 3
  • 100 - 249
Company types
Contract Service
Contact info
  • 840 Research Parkway Suite 546, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

Products from ARL Bio Pharma (3)

  • Biological Activity

    Product Biological Activity

    This test provides a direct measure of the effectiveness of the active ingredient.
  • Chinese Hamster Ovary Host Cell Protein Testing

    Product Chinese Hamster Ovary Host Cell Protein Testing

    ELISA methods are used to test for the presence of residual host cell proteins left in a drug or therapeutic protein following purification.
  • Compatibility Studies

    Product Compatibility Studies

    Also known as y-site studies, compatibility testing is performed to ensure that the mixing of two different formulations does not impact the physical or chemical properties of the drugs.