TS-OW - cGMP Terminal Sterilizer

TS-OW - cGMP Terminal Sterilizer
Product Description

The Sterilizers type TS-OW are specifically designed for the Terminal Sterilization of liquids contained in sealed containers (plastic bags, glass bottles, BFS bottles, syringes, ampoules, etc.) as they are prepared to provide automatic differential pressure compensation based on product probes (RTD) temperature measurement (ΔT). This kind of control prevent the deformation, damaging and bad coloring of the plastic containers.

In this equipment, the sterilization media is hot purified water uniformly spread to the load by an integrated shower system.

TS-OW sterilizers are fitted with a high flow recirculation system by means of a sanitary pump and heat exchanger of multi-tubes double-heads type that allows using (WFI or Demi) water as heat transfer media for heating up, sterilizing and cooling down the load.

The benefits coming from a sterilization like this:

•Packaging integrity is maintained 
•No deformation of elastic packages
•Low running costs 
•Large quantity of product per batch 
•Ease of validation 
•Sterile liquids keep their physical and chemical properties

LAST Technology SrL

  • IT
  • 2015
    On CPHI since
  • 3
  • 25 - 49
Company types

LAST Technology SrL

  • IT
  • 2015
    On CPHI since
  • 3
  • 25 - 49
Company types

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