Newgen Biotech(Ningbo)

About Newgen Biotech(Ningbo)

  Newgen focuses on the research and innovation of Marine biological resources and synthetic biology, and has established series platforms, inclouding Marine Microorganism Bank, Developing Center of Marine Enzyme, Enteral Nutrition Center, Biomedical Center, Natural Product Center, Developing Center of Marine Drug, Developing Center of Functional Food and Registration Center.Product:Marine Enzymes, Marine Prohiotics, Marine Polysaccharides

  • CN
  • 2023
    On CPHI since
  • 4
  • 100 - 249
Company types
Primary activities
Contact info
  • No. 5, Rongtai Road, Chengdong , Industry Park, Ningbo, 315700, Zhejiang, China

Products from Newgen Biotech(Ningbo) (4)

  • Acid DPPIV

    Product Acid DPPIV

    DPPIV is a non-side-effect and non-GMO biological enzyme preparation for the development of functional foods, and has been certified as a safe substance by FDA, GRAS, WHO/FAP, and JACFA.
  • Lactase

    Product Lactase

    The lactase produced by our company comes from Aspergillus oryzae, which is a food-grade lactase preparation refined by biological fermentation method. Lactase is a non-side-effect and non-GMO biological enzyme preparation for the development of functional foods, and has been certified as a safe substance ...
  • Serrapeptase

    Product Serrapeptase

    Serratiopeptidase is a non-side-effect and non-GMO biological enzyme preparation for the development of functional foods, and has been certified as a safe substance by FDA, GRAS, WHO/FAP, and JACFA.
  • Αlpha-galactosidase

    Product Αlpha-galactosidase

    Α-galactosidase is a non-side-effect and non-GMO biological enzyme preparation for the development of functional foods, and has been certified as a safe substance by FDA, GRAS, WHO/FAP, and JACFA.

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