Genevia Lifesciences AG

  • Gobi Gold
About Genevia Lifesciences AG

Genevia is a lifesciences company founded in 2018 in Switzerland. The company specializes in developing and bringing to market specialty products, including nutraceuticals, that cater to people's needs and preferences. Through specialized scientific research, we create innovative, effective, sustainable, and ethically manufactured products that meet people's needs and values for well-being and better health today and in the future.

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  • 2023
    On CPHI since
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Products from Genevia Lifesciences AG (2)

  • . Gobi Gold Daily Balancer®

    Product . Gobi Gold Daily Balancer®

    •one powerful capsule contains 20 essenial ingredients • Scientifically advanced to balance nutrition.
    • Tackles the lack of balance in most people’s diets
    • For the first time combined, incorporating innovativetechnologies to achieve maximum effectiveness.
    • High quality nu...
  • Gobi Gold® Gen!us

    Product Gobi Gold® Gen!us

    -GG kids contains X 3 more Omega 3s EPA & DHA, compared to common gummy vitaminsGGKids due to the use of an innovative technology, managed to incorporate more than 250 mg of DHA, a quantity proven to contribute to brain development in children, an amount of omega 3s, approved to contribute to normal br...

Genevia Lifesciences AG Resources (1)

  • Brochure Genevia Lifesciences AG

    Genevia, founded in 2018, is a Lifesciences company that specializes in the researchand development ofadvanced supplements andplant based meat.- Allows in-continuous or semi-continuous RNA manufacturing processes, reducing raw materials costs significantly. We envision being aleading company thatdelivers scientificallyadvanced products toimprove human healthand life quality.
    Through specializedscientific research, to deliverinnovative, effective,sustainably and ethicallymanufactured nutritionalproducts that respond topeople needs and values forwellbeing and better health,today and in the future.

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