. Gobi Gold Daily Balancer®

Product Description

•one powerful capsule contains 20 essenial ingredients • Scientifically advanced to balance nutrition.
• Tackles the lack of balance in most people’s diets
• For the first time combined, incorporating innovativetechnologies to achieve maximum effectiveness.
• High quality nutrient sources. Specific minerals and vitamins with synergistic effects are carefully chosen to work together toensure the highest absorption and effectiveness.. Gobi Gold Daily Balancer® bioavailable ingredients and advanced hard capsule technology incombination with precision release vitamin and minerals beads ensure a maximum absorptionof nutrients by the small intestine securing effectiveness.. We succeeded to combine materials with different properties and technical characteristics; theessential polyunsaturated omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA and the needful vitamins andminerals, in a clear and transparent formulation.

Genevia Lifesciences AG

  • CH
  • 2023
    On CPHI since
  • 2
  • 1 - 24
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  • Details
    • Our product is specifically created to Achieve optimal nutrition by incorporating innovative technologies that achieve maximum effectiveness. We combined 19 soluble and water-soluble essential nutrient sources  with Golden Omega® Fish Oil to create a unique formula in We are incorporating PRT® Beads and Fusion Technology® to simplify dosing without exceeding the recommended daily dose.  Gobi Gold Daily Balancer® is third-party IFOS™ tested for purity and stability, ensuring raw materials remain stable until expiration
  • Selling Points
    Bone & Joint Health; Cardiovascular Health; Cognitive & Mental Function; Guarantee/Warranty; Immune Health; International Approvals/Standards; Natural Ingredients; Sustainability; - Gobi Gold Daily Balancer® is made with oneof the world’s freshest and purest omega-3concentrates that deliver all your dailyomega-3 needs in just one capsule.
    - Precision Release Technology Beads (PRT®Beads) in Gobi Gold Daily Balancer®.With the use of this technology, the activeingredients are released at a predeterminedrate, creating a slow and gentle absorptionof nutrients, similarly to the way our bodydigests food and absorbs essentialnutrients in the small intestine.- Gobi Gold Daily Balancer® is made with100% fish gelatin capsules, which provide anatural shield to our sensitive ingredients.Ocean Caps® are made entirely fromrenewable sources and they are free ofpreservatives, starch and gluten, offeringexcellent quality and outstanding sensoryprofile.-Gobi Gold Daily Balancer® capsules arehermetically sealed using FusionTechnology® to form a leak-proof, perfectlyairtight, one-piece capsule.
  • Model
    world's leading scientifically advanced dietary supplement designed to balance human nutrition

Genevia Lifesciences AG

  • CH
  • 2023
    On CPHI since
  • 2
  • 1 - 24
Company types
Primary activities

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Genevia Lifesciences AG resources (1)

  • Brochure Genevia Lifesciences AG

    Genevia, founded in 2018, is a Lifesciences company that specializes in the researchand development ofadvanced supplements andplant based meat.- Allows in-continuous or semi-continuous RNA manufacturing processes, reducing raw materials costs significantly. We envision being aleading company thatdelivers scientificallyadvanced products toimprove human healthand life quality.
    Through specializedscientific research, to deliverinnovative, effective,sustainably and ethicallymanufactured nutritionalproducts that respond topeople needs and values forwellbeing and better health,today and in the future.