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l STERIGENE provides solutions for all your needs  

The needs in clean and sterile processes of manufacturers or laboratories evolve regularly according to current standards, technological advances and innovations in the ultraclean activity sectors. For this, STERIGENE offers a complete set of products and services meeting all the needs of players in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, chemical, agri-food, medical devices, health, etc. industries and laboratories.

  • FR
  • 2021
    On CPHI since
  • 4
  • 100 - 249
Company types
Machinery and Equipment Supplier/Manufacturer
Primary activities
Cleanroom Technology
Pharmaceutical Company (generic finished products)
Contact info

Products from STERIGENE (4)

  • Cleanroom Furnitures

    Product Cleanroom Furnitures

    Our design office specializing in cleanroom and laboratory furniture adapts to all your needs for fitting out your premises according to your constraints, special requests, operating processes or even your control processes contamination.

    We offer the supply and installation of a range o...
  • SYX-E

    Product SYX-E

    La SYX-E Cartridge By-Pass permet le remplissage et la fermeture double chambre de carpules ...
  • SX-210-PP

    Product SX-210-PP

    La SX-210-PP est une combinaison de remplisseuse et/ou sertisseuse automatique de flacons pour l'industrie pharmaceutique ...
  • Visual Inspection Table CLEANVIEW©

    Product Visual Inspection Table CLEANVIEW©

    The luminous intensity of the new CleanView manual inspection table is ensured by independently adjustable LED strips which allow a more homogeneous luminous intensity than neon lights, more economical and ecological with a lifespan of + 20 000 hours visual inspection.

    The design of th...

STERIGENE Resources (2)

  • Video Filling machine

    Retrouvez l'interview de Guillaume GENTY, Responsable stratégie et business développement chez STERIGENE, et Sergi GONZALEZ, Responsable régional des ventes chez DARA Pharmaceutical Packaging, faite lors de l'édition 2020 du salon Pharmapack, l'événement annuel européen de l'industrie des emballages pharmaceutiques et des dispositifs d'administration de médicaments.