Sibo Group doo

About Sibo Group doo

With over 50 years of experience on the field of plastic manufacturing, we are a full solution supplier for plastic caps and closures for oral, cosmetic and food industry as well as  primary plastic packaging with closures and containers for pharmaceutical industry and medical devices for medicine. We have clean room production hall, ISO 14644, class 8.

  • SI
  • 2021
    On CPHI since
  • 2
  • 250 - 499
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Pharmapack Europe 2026

Paris Expo, Porte de Versailles - Hall 7.2 | Paris, France
22 Jan 2026 - 23 Jan 2026

Products from Sibo Group doo (3)

  • Below pump

    Product Below pump

    Bellow Pump is an integral part of laboratory transfer pipettes, with which the sample fluid containing potential viruses is transmitted within the diagnostic process. The transfer pipette is contaminated after contact with the sample liquid and must be discarded as such.

  • hot vessel with glass quartz

    Product hot vessel with glass quartz

    Medical device , produced in clean room class 8. This product is a part of hematogenic oxidation therapy (HOT) which combines blood enrichment with O2 and UV irradiation. 60-90ml of patient’s blood is drawn into a sterile vessel, where the blood is flooded with medical oxygen and irradi...
  • plastic primary packaging

    Product plastic primary packaging

    closures and containers for pharmacy, CRC and TE caps, push on TE caps, containers with screw on and push on thread

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