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  • Laboratories
  • Laboratories
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  • Laboratories

PRIMA® Lab SA was launched in Switzerland in 2014 from the founder’s passion to build a company that prevents disease before a treatment is needed.

Our vision is to achieve an early detection of some health conditions through self-testing, in order to enable lifestyle adjustment. We believe in a world where the prevention is a common and widespread practice, enabling early and fast actions to take care of oneself.

Our work is a team effort able to connect people, ideas and actions.

Stay healthy, live better

  • CH
  • 2024
    On CPHI since
  • 2
  • 25 - 49
Company types
Pharmaceutical company
Primary activities
Contract Manufacturer
Medical Devices
Regulatory Affairs
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Products from PRIMA LAB SA (5)

  • Early Pregnancy Test

    Product Early Pregnancy Test

    Rapid Self-Test for the early detection of hCG in human urine sample (10 mUI/mL).
    hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a glycoprotein with hormonal activity associated with pregnancy, whose main function is to provide for the maintenance of gestation, favoring an adequate environment for the developm...
  • Strep A Test

    Product Strep A Test

    Self-test for the detection of group A ß-hemolytic Streptococcus in pharyngeal infections.

    Group A ß-haemolytic streptococcus (also known as Streptococcus pyogenes) is a gram positive bacterium that causes a variety of pathological conditions and complications such as throat and skin infections, acu...
  • HIV 1/2 Self-Test

    Product HIV 1/2 Self-Test

    Rapid self-test for the qualitative detection of antibodies against human immunodeficiency virus 1 and 2 (HIV1/HIV2) in whole blood.
    Human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is a pathogen that attacks and suppresses the immune system by specifically affecting white blood cells. The virus can be transmitt...
  • Celiac Test

    Product Celiac Test

    Self-test for the detection of anti deamidated gliadin (anti-DGP) antibodies, IgA and IgG, in blood, for celiac disease screening.

    Celiac disease is a chronic autoimmune disorder that involves the inflammation of the small intestine due to gliadin intake: the protein portion of gluten found in vario...
  • Prostate PSA Test

    Product Prostate PSA Test

    Self-test for the determination of the Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) in whole blood samples.

    Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by the cells of the epithelium of the prostate gland with the task of thinning the ejaculate, allowing better sperm motility.

    This protein als...

PRIMA LAB SA Resources (1)

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