Pen Tsao Chemical Industry Ltd

About Pen Tsao Chemical Industry Ltd

PEN TSAO GROUP with headquarter in Hong Kong, development and production sites in Shanghai (PTCI SH; API’s and Intermediates) and Dushan Port, Zhejiang Province (RODALLIS Biopharma; API’s, Intermediates and OSD Formulation) is a renowned specialty pharma company and a reliable partner with high quality awareness, state of the art technology and highly skilled personnel, delivering added value products and services to its clients. RODALLIS Biopharma will essentially expand our capabilities for CMO projects and API production; the OSD Formulation...

  • HK
  • 2015
    On CPHI since
  • 2
  • 100 - 249
Company types
Biopharmaceutical company
Pharmaceutical company
Primary activities
Custom Manufacturing/Custom Synthesis
Generic APIs producer
Pharmaceutical Company (generic finished products)
Contact info
  • 27B, CKK Commercial Centre, 289 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, S.A.R., China
Meet us at

CPHI Frankfurt 2025

Messe, Frankfurt
28 Oct 2025 - 30 Oct 2025

Products from Pen Tsao Chemical Industry Ltd (24)

  • Loxoprofen Sodium

    Product Loxoprofen Sodium

    Loxoprofen Sodium sold mainly as Loxoprofen Sodium Dihydrate (CAS:226721-96-6).  Registration in Japan, Korea, China. Specifications: JP, KP, CP, In-house
  • Ethionamide

    Product Ethionamide

    Ethionamide belongs to the secondary MDR Anti-TB drugs used in the fight against Tuberculosis. WHO prequalified API since 2013. Registrations in India, Russia, Ukraine. Specifications: EP, EPW, IP, USP, In-house. 
  • Bucillamine

    Product Bucillamine

    Bucillamine is an antirheumatic agent.  It is mainly used in Japan and Korea. Activity is mediated by the two thiol groups that the molecule contains. Research done in USA showed positive transplant preservation properties. Bucillamine has been used in trials studying the...
  • Clofazimine

    Product Clofazimine

    Clofazimine is a phenazine dye with anti-mycobacterial and anti-inflammatory activities.Clofazimine is used to treat Leprosis and is active against various other Mycobacteria. WHO recommends its for the treatment of MDR & XDR Tuberculosis. WHO Prequalification in progress. Specifications: EP,...
  • Prothionamide

    Product Prothionamide

    Protionamide is a thioamide derivative with antitubercular activity, belongs to the secondary MDR Anti-TB drugs used in the fight against Tuberculosis. WHO prequalified API since 2013. Registrations in China, India, Germany, Ukraine. Specifications: BP, BPD, BPD-W, CP, IP, In-house.  
  • Terizidone

    Product Terizidone

    Terizidone is a broad spectrum antibiotic used as a second-line antitubercular drug, effective against pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Terizidone has activity against Mycobacterium strains that are resistant to first-line drugs. Specification: Int Ph, In-house.

  • Cycloserine (under development)

    Product Cycloserine (under development)

    Cycloserine is a broad spectrum antibiotic used as a second line agent for treatment of drug resistant tuberculosis, always in combination with other antituberculosis agents. Cycloserine is appears to have little or no hepatotoxic potential, but it is usually used in combination with agents that are known ...
  • Talniflumate

    Product Talniflumate

    Pen Tsao Chemical Industry Ltd produce in its Shanghai plant a range of API’s and advanced pharma intermediates for domestic and International markets. The highly flexible multi-purpose production facilities focusing on development and production of Niche API’s. The plant, under German management, is ...
  • Cloperastine Fendizoate

    Product Cloperastine Fendizoate

    Pen Tsao Chemical Industry Ltd produce in its Shanghai plant a range of API’s and advanced pharma intermediates for domestic and International markets. The highly flexible multi-purpose production facilities focusing on development and production of Niche API’s. The plant, under German management, is ...
  • Tauro-Ursodeoxycholic Acid

    Product Tauro-Ursodeoxycholic Acid

    Pen Tsao Chemical Industry Ltd produce in its Shanghai plant a range of API’s and advanced pharma intermediates for domestic and International markets. The highly flexible multi-purpose production facilities focusing on development and production of Niche API’s. The plant, under German management, is ...
  • Lacidipine (Under Development)

    Product Lacidipine (Under Development)

    Pen Tsao Chemical Industry Ltd produce in its Shanghai plant a range of API’s and advanced pharma intermediates for domestic and International markets. The highly flexible multi-purpose production facilities focusing on development and production of Niche API’s. The plant, under German management, is ...
  • Raloxifen HCI (Under development)

    Product Raloxifen HCI (Under development)

    Raloxifene Hydrochloride is the hydrochloride salt form of raloxifene, a selective benzothiophene estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) with lipid lowering effects and Raloxifene hydrochloride acts as an estrogen antagonist in uterine and breast tissue. This agent also exerts an anti-proliferative e...

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