Nutrisprint B

Nutrisprint B
Product Description

Energy and well-being of the nervous system. Range of application
• in case of tiredness and fatigue
• in case of stimulating the immune defences
• in case of support to cardiovascular pathologies
• in case of neuritis 

B vitamins are useful for tiredness and fatigue as well as for the well-being ofthe nervous system; in fact, they are also used for neuritis, characterised bythe inflammation and degeneration of one or more nerve fibres, one of the causesof which is Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 deficiency. The role of these vitamins inpreserving nerve health is especially due to their antioxidant and bio-syntheticrole, which respectively protects the nerve fibre and, especially, its myelinsheath against lipid peroxidation caused by the reactive species of oxygenand by the synthesis of nucleic acids and fatty acids required to maintain neuraltrophism.

Nutrileya Srl

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Nutrileya Srl

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