Nutriregular Flora Gyn

Nutriregular Flora Gyn
Product Description

Balance of the intestinal and vaginal bacterial flora. Range of application
• in case of alterations of the microbiota in the Female genitals
• in case of thrush
• in case of recurring vaginitis and vaginosis
• in case of recurring cystitis 

Nutriregular Flora Gyn is a probiotic composed of a mix of strains chosen basedon the best scientific evidence for the specific indication: L. acidophilus, L. reuteriand L. salivarius. Published data contain no evidence of a difference in efficacybetween the oral and topical administration of probiotics. If administered ontime and at the right dose, the mix performs its action through a multi-factorialmechanism. The pharmaceutical form in orosoluble sachets guarantees maximumcompliance, thanks to the waterless intake compared to common capsules.

Nutrileya Srl

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Nutrileya Srl

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