Methapharm Specialty Pharmaceuticals

About Methapharm Specialty Pharmaceuticals

Methapharm is focused on the acquisition, licensing, partnering, and promotion of specialty pharmaceutical products in North America.  We market our own proprietary products and partner with global companies to deliver a comprehensive line of specialty and hospital prescription drug products. We look forward to discussing partnership opportunities for the USA and/or Canada.

  • US
  • 2016
    On CPHI since
  • 2
  • 50 - 99
Company types
Distributor/Import Export
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Products from Methapharm Specialty Pharmaceuticals (2)

  • Asthma Diagnostic Product - Outlicensing Opportunity

    Product Asthma Diagnostic Product - Outlicensing Opportunity

    Methapharm is looking for licensees and distribution partners for its Provocholine (methacholine chloride) diagnostic product for asthma.  Ideal partners will have experience with asthma products and/or hospital products.  We invite your inquiry at
  • Hospital Products for USA and/or Canada

    Product Hospital Products for USA and/or Canada

    Methapharm is your strategic partner to bring your hospital and specialty products to market in the USA and/or Canada.  Part of the ACIC Group,  Methapharm is focused on the acquisition, development, licensing, and promotion of hospital and specialty pharmaceutical products as well as products in...

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