Medifood Hungary Innovation Ltd.

About Medifood Hungary Innovation Ltd.

Medifood is a medical nutrition company, developing and commercializing its innovative disease/condition-specific FSMP (Food for Special Medical Purposes) MediDrink product portfolio. These are specially formulated, ready-to-drink medical foods that are processed and intended for the dietary management of diseases, disorders or medical conditions of individuals treated under med...

  • HU
  • 2021
    On CPHI since
  • 2
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Products from Medifood Hungary Innovation Ltd. (3)

  • MediDrink Neo

    Product MediDrink Neo

    MediDrink Neo has been developed with the needs of oncology patients in mind. It is an energy-dense product, rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and contains MCT, cholin, L-carnitin, high in zinc and vitamins.
  • MediDrink Plus

    Product MediDrink Plus

    Value-added, ready-to-drink product for disease-related malnutrition. High-energy, low-carbohydrate content, high Omega-3 and high protein content make it suitable for any therapeutic field where malnutrition occurs. 
  • MediDrink Pulmo

    Product MediDrink Pulmo

    MediDrink Pulmo was specially designed for pulmonology patients’ (COPD, CF) nutrition to support respiratory function and faster recovery, containing L-carnitin, MCT, Omega-3 and increased level of vitamins C, D, E. 

Medifood Hungary Innovation Ltd. Resources (1)

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