Lipomize SRL

About Lipomize SRL

Lipomize is an argentinian development and manufacturing company dedicated to liposomal technology and other nano-micro encapsulation technologies in pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmetics areas. In the pharmaceutical area, we develop and transfer the technology. In the cosmetical area, we develop and manufacture liposomal active ingredient. In the nutraceutical area, we develop and manufactu...

  • AR
  • 2019
    On CPHI since
Contact info
  • Ruta 168 km Paraje El Pozo, 3000, SANTA FE, Argentina

Products from Lipomize SRL (2)

  • Ampholip

    Product Ampholip

    Ampholip is a generic formulation of Ambisme, liposomal amphotericin B. We can send CTD complete information to transfer and sign an agreement to scaling-up/techtransfer of this formulations in your facility.
  • Doxolip

    Product Doxolip

    Doxolip is a generic formulation of Doxil/Caelyx, liposomal pegylated doxorubicin. We can send CTD complete information to transfer and sign an agreement to scaling-up/techtransfer of this formulations in your facility.

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