
About Interscience

About us:INTERSCIENCE is a major player in the field of microbiological analysis for the food, agro-food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, veterinary, medical, environmental and chemical industries, research institutes and universities since 1979.Designer and manufacturer, we provide labs with scientific equipment to guarantee safe products for consumption.Our French family business is run by co-CEO brot...

  • FR
  • 2016
    On CPHI since
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Products from Interscience (3)

  • ScanStation® 300

    Product ScanStation® 300

    Real-time incubator and colony counter
    for 300 petri capacity
  • ScanStation® 200

    Product ScanStation® 200

    Real-time incubator and colony counter
    for 200 petri capacity
  • ScanStation® 100

    Product ScanStation® 100

    Real-time incubator and colony counter

    for 100 petri capacity

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