Inkemia IUCT Group

About Inkemia IUCT Group

InKemia generates high technological knowledge to give support to the life science industry through its business lines: co-development, contract research, licensing-out, technological services, competitive R&D grant programs, technical and quality consultancy and training. InKemia's core competencies are chemical synthesis, analytical development, impurity studies, biotechnology and bio-cataly...

  • ES
  • 2015
    On CPHI since
Company types
Contract Service
Contact info
  • Alvarez de Castro 63 , 08100, Mollet del Valles, Spain

Products from Inkemia IUCT Group (3)

  • Isolation, identification and characterization of Impurities

    Product Isolation, identification and characterization of Impurities

    Inkemia IUCT Group offers a wide range of services which includes isolation and characterization of impurities. Features: it includes development and validation of analytical methods for determining related substances; impurity profiling; getting forced degradation impurities; isolation and purification of...
  • Chemical Synthesis and Biotechnological Synthesis

    Product Chemical Synthesis and Biotechnological Synthesis

    Inkemia IUCT Group offers a wide range of services which includes synthesis custom research. Features: it includes design and synthesis of new chemical entities ( hit-finding ); hit-to-lead and lead optimization; design and development of synthetic routes; experimental design and optimization of chemical s...
  • Analytical method development and validation

    Product Analytical method development and validation

    Inkemia IUCT Group offers a wide range of services which includes analytical development and validation for pharmaceuticals. Features: it has physico-chemical methods which includes separation and characterization of impurities and degradation products; set up and optimization of methods according to speci...

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