GlobiFer Intl bvba

About GlobiFer Intl bvba

GlobiFer Intl developped a unique iron supplement, which is distributed in almost 40 countries. We sincerely believe to have one of the best alternative to effectively tackle iron deficiency. We are still looking for distributors and are happy to welcome you at our booth during CPHI in Frankfurt.
Also, we have a wide range of products belonging to Ceres Pharma, for which we are the export dep...

  • BE
  • 2015
    On CPHI since
  • 1
  • 1 - 24
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Products from GlobiFer Intl bvba (3)

  • Belène

    Product Belène

    Belène product line are qualitative products to treat beauty from within. This cosmetic line has a nice design, is scientifically supported and priced competitively. We invite you to our booth to discuss more on this topic.
    Belène Skin & Hair Care - Collagen Anti-Age® - Hair Growth & Anti-Hai...
  • CalxPlus

    Product CalxPlus

    CalxPlus is a calcium supplement that helps to maintain healthy bones. It has a unique shape, optimal absorption and excellent tolerance.
    It comes in the form of toffees (chews) with delicious natural chocolate, orange and vanilla flavours.
    Calxplus - Strong bones for life
  • nosko

    Product nosko

    nosko is a full line of baby care products: pacifiers, creams, body lotions, nailkits, nasal bulbs etc.
    Visit our booth to discuss the possibility of distributing this trendy line in your home market.

GlobiFer Intl bvba Resources (1)

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