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Ekberg Emballage Aktiebolag

About Ekberg Emballage Aktiebolag

Stylish aluminiumcans for capsules, tablets, oils or powders. Diffrent clöosures to choose among all with tamper evidence. Se also our patented Two Function Closure which is the smartest dispensing closure available guaranteeing Your customer always get a fresh drink.  Let us also inform You about our MultiDosingDevice for infant milkpowder, coffee, tea, cocoa, medicines etc, which keeps Your...

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  • 2021
    On CPHI since
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Products from Ekberg Emballage Aktiebolag (3)

  • Aluminiumcans with tamper evidence closures

    Product Aluminiumcans with tamper evidence closures

    Stylish aluminiumcans with diffrent closures for capsules, tabletts, powders
  • MultiDosingDEvice

    Product MultiDosingDEvice

    Keeps all dosages protected wether it is Infant Milk Powder, Instant coffee, replace of singelserved coffee, tea, cocoa, medecines etc.
  • Two Function Closure

    Product Two Function Closure

    Dispensing closure.Just unscrew and release Your active ingredient into the bottle.