CSB-System AG

About CSB-System AG

CSB-System AG is the leading industry specialist for the process industries of food, beverages, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and retail. As a one-stop provider of software, hardware, services and business consulting, we optimize the business processes of our customers and create significant competitive advantages with our CSB turnkey solution. Learn more about the CSB group of companies, ...

  • DE
  • 2017
    On CPHI since
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Products from CSB-System AG (3)

  • Accessibility

    Product Accessibility

    CSB-System AG offers wide range of services which includes accessibility. The better a solution is tailored to the needs, the better is the return on investment. And the better employees can work with it, the higher is the benefit. Therefore, the industry expert offers professional business process consult...
  • Automation Consulting & Solutions

    Product Automation Consulting & Solutions

    CSB-System AG offers wide range of services which includes automation consulting & solutions. The more all components are linked in a network, the more efficiently it can supply goods to the customers. It has the right automation solution for every application to help it optimize the cycle and delivery tim...
  • Software Solutions For Execution & Production

    Product Software Solutions For Execution & Production

    CSB-System AG offers wide range of services which includes software solutions for execution & production. The better use information and data, and the shop floor, the more efficiently it can utilize the resources, increase the flexibility of the production and achieve long-term cost advantages. It provides...

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