11 Nov 2023

Analytical Laboratory Services

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We provide high quality Nitrosamine and elemental impurities testing services to the pharmaceutical industry.

Content provided by our supplier


  • TR
  • 2015
    On CPHI since
  • 1
  • 250 - 499
Company types
Primary activities
Contract Manufacturer
Pharmaceutical Company (generic finished products)

Other Content from CENTURION PHARMA (3)

  • Brochure Centurion Self-Injection Systems

    1) 2-Step Auto-Injector: Developed for emergency use 2) Centruion PFS Support System: Provides a solution that increases patient compliance for PFS injection
  • Video Centurion Manufacturing Site

    The distribution of total R&D expenditures in the world on a sectoral basis reveals that the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry top the list.
    Manufacturing Facility is one of the few drug manufacturing centers in our country with an annual manufacturing capacity of 15 million liquid and lyophilized vials + 5 million PFS/Cartridge, which is established on an area of 25.000 m2 in Ankara Başkent Organized Industrial Zone. As Centurion Pharma, our most important principles include developing our products, constantly updating the technological infrastructure necessary for our manufacturing line and investing in manpower.

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