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Ultra low temperature Deep freezer

Ultra low temperature Deep freezer
Product Description

Ultra low temperature freezer models ULT 490 & ULT 650 with environment friendly design incorporate the latest in cabinet, refrigeration, temperature control and monitoring features. They provide a safe and reliable performance to fulfill storage conditions in life science, biological, medical and other applications.
·         Energy efficient design, Non CFC foamed in place urethane insulation
·         Multi-color touch screen display with ID password
·         Front USB for data logging
·         Graphic user interface for temperature settings and alarms
·         Vacuum relief port for pressure equalization
·         Exterior door gasket providing energy efficient thermal barrier
·         Remote alarm contacts

Remi Elektrotechnik Limited

  • IN
  • 2019
    On CPHI since

Remi Elektrotechnik Limited

  • IN
  • 2019
    On CPHI since

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