30 Sep 2020

HOVIONE Our Purpose

This sun, this sea is what inspired the Portuguese to be the first to sail around the world five centuries ago. Today, discovery still requires courage, a willingness to take risk, and the best technologies. At Hovione this is what we do. We give clients what they cannot find elsewhere, we do well what is difficult. 
We work to help develop new and better medicines. Chemistry, processing and mathematical models are subjects we master, but it all begins and ends with the people. The almost 2000 committed, creative, rigorous, highly qualified team members coming from all parts of the world in which we operate. To contribute to their talent development is one of our major challenges and achievements.

Content provided by our supplier

Hovione Farmaciencia S.A

  • PT
  • 2015
    On CPHI since
  • 2
  • 1000 - 4999
Company types

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