23 Nov 2021

Strategies to Optimise the Dosage Form Design Process to Create Better Treatment

This session was originally broadcast as part of the CPHI Worldwide 2021 digital content programme.

The development of dosage forms for oral small molecules is getting more and more challenging due to the increased complexity of molecules and sophistication of the dosage forms that are needed to deliver them to the patient. More and more therapies are being developed by small companies, which can find it challenging to have enough expertise to cover all aspects of development. Enlisting the help of expert partners could increase the likelihood of drug product success.

In this presentation, a Catalent expert introduces Optidose™ Design Solution, a new service that combines pharmaceutics, PBPK modelling, manufacturability, material characterisation and patient factors to support decision making during dosage form design, and explains how Catalent's unique insights can help improve data analysis and decision making in order to select the right dosage form for clinical efficacy testing.

  • Review the overall drug development process and why dosage form design is important but challenging
  • Learn Catalent's data-driven approach to address drug development challenges
  • Learn how methodical data analysis can help unlock hidden information
  • Learn how collaboration can help build data with each phase of development
  • Content provided by our supplier

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