Solid state characterization services

Solid state characterization services
Product Description

cGMP services include:- Particle size by laser diffraction on powders, sprays/aerosols, liquid dispersions - Particle size, shape & Chemical identification in powder mixtures, creams, liquids by MDRS- BET surface area and porosity- Thermal analysis DSC

Other services include:- Density (real, bulk and apparent)- Crystal structure, polymorphism, etc. by XRD- Moisture (and any other liquid) sorption properties (water uptake/loss) by DVS- Powder rheology for powder flow properties- Electron microscopy high resolution images & elemental analysis (EDX)- Thermal analysis TGA


  • IT
  • 2020
    On CPHI since
  • 2
  • 1 - 24
Company types
Contract Service
Primary activities
Analytical Services
Contract Research Organisation
  • Details
    cGMP quality controlcGMP method development and validation
  • Selling Points
    GMP certified and ISO 17025 accreditated laboratoryExperts of techniques and applications
    Unique set of analytical techniques set
    State-of-the-art instrumentation
    Analysis report in 15 days
    Express report in 2 days


  • IT
  • 2020
    On CPHI since
  • 2
  • 1 - 24
Company types
Contract Service
Primary activities
Analytical Services
Contract Research Organisation

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