Product Description

Visually Manage & Optimize Production Schedules With Shop-Floor Integration
Scheduling of work orders has a direct influence on production lead times and overall cost. Assignment of work orders to the lines and staff is a complex daily challenge that depends on many variables and constraints. Manual scheduling is a very common practice which results in inefficient use of resources. Cost reduction of more than 20% and capacity increase of more than 50% could be achieved without investing in new production equipment.

  • Enable automatic and optimum scheduling that is transparent, data driven and live 
  • Ability to schedule with different objectives: minimum cost, minimum duration or minimum inventory 
  • Advanced analytics capabilities for optimization of work order allocation and overall costs


  • TR
  • 2023
    On CPHI since
  • 2
  • 50 - 99
Company types
IT/Software solution provider
Primary activities
Pharmaceutical Company (generic finished products)


  • TR
  • 2023
    On CPHI since
  • 2
  • 50 - 99
Company types
IT/Software solution provider
Primary activities
Pharmaceutical Company (generic finished products)

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