27 Jan 2025

Recycle Ready PP Solution for Primary Pharma Packaging, PharmaGuard®

SÜDPACK MEDICA’s PharmaGuard® is recognized as one of the leading polyolefin blister packaging solutions, rewarded with the Worldstar Global Packaging Award 2024 in the Medical and Pharmaceutical category, the Swiss Packaging Award 2024, and the ‘Prestigious German Packaging Award’ in the sustainability category in 2023.

  • After its launch early 2023, PharmaGuard® has gained lots of market interest, and is recognized as the future leading recycle ready solution. What makes the polypropylene solution unique is that it provides excellent transparency, good and stable shrinkage behavior, wider thermoforming- and sealing window than traditional polypropylene. Together with its controllable push-through lidding, the full recycle ready mono-package solution provides a child resistant and senior friendly unpackaging experience. With this, PharmaGuard® is setting new industry standards. Our speakers will take the audience on the successful journey to create a meaningful sustainable future in Primary Pharma Packaging for Oral Solid Dosed medicines.

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    Südpack Medica

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