Nutriregular Flora Bustine

Nutriregular Flora Bustine
Product Description

Balance of intestinal flora, dysbiosis. Range of application• in case of diarrhea
• in the case of antibiotic therapy
• in the case of eating disorders
• in case of vaginal mycosis (adjuvant-preventive). 

Nutriregular Flora Sachets is the probiotic according to Nutrileya: a rich mix ofstrains to colonize large tracts of the intestine consistently with the diversityof the intestinal microbiota associated with a spore that is useful in case ofconcomitant intake of antibiotics. The presence of the transient strain (L. bulgaricus)completes the structure of the modern probiotic. The sachet formulationcontains prebiotics (FOS) and is flavourless and lactose free. Useful in case ofconstipation, dysbiosis.

Nutrileya Srl

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Nutrileya Srl

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  • 2021
    On CPHI since
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