Nutriregular Capelli & Unghie

Nutriregular Capelli & Unghie
Product Description

Hair loss and strengthening of the nails. Range of application
• in case of weakened hair
• in case of brittle nails 

Nutriregular Hair & Nails is a product rich in formulation and innovative in deliverytechnology that uses a 3-layer modified-release tablet. The first layerreleases Ginko Biloba already in the first 5 minutes. The second layer containsBiotin, Horsetail, Zinc and Selenium which are released in the next 45 minutes inthe first intestinal tract. Finally, the slower-release third layer allows the assimilationof L-Methionine and L-Cystine throughout the intestinal tract in thefollowing 8 hours.

Nutrileya Srl

  • IT
  • 2021
    On CPHI since
  • 2
  • 1 - 24
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Nutrileya Srl

  • IT
  • 2021
    On CPHI since
  • 2
  • 1 - 24
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Nutrileya Srl resources (1)

  • News Nutrileya in the Top 1,000 European Fastest Growing Companies

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