New FluiCheck® 2.0 - a patented global cutting edge innovation for the safe production of infusion mixing solutions

Product Description

The MIBMIX® compounder with FluiCheck® sensor offers more safety in the production of infusion mixing solutions.
With the FluiCheck® sensor, dosed volumes of each substance can be reliably monitored.
Compared to the conventional weighing method, the FluiCheck® sensor reduces the working time for sequential dosing processes effectively.

Hemedis GmbH

  • DE
  • 2024
    On CPHI since
  • 1 - 24
Company types
Distributor/Import Export
Primary activities
Medical Devices
  • Details
    Hemedis GmbH sets new standards. The MIBMIX® compounders  will provide an additional, innovative flow sensor.
    The FluiCheck® sensor allows the exact, non-invasive recording of the actually filled volumes of each substance.

  • Selling Points
    Quality Service
  • Model
    The FluiCheck® sensor
  • Supplied from

Hemedis GmbH

  • DE
  • 2024
    On CPHI since
  • 1 - 24
Company types
Distributor/Import Export
Primary activities
Medical Devices

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