Moulds for Drug Delivery Devices

Moulds for Drug Delivery Devices
Product Description

Moulds for Auto Injectors, Insuline Pens, Pre filled Syringes

IGS GeboJagema

  • NL
  • 2017
    On CPHI since
  • 1
  • 100 - 249
Company types
Consumer Goods
Drug delivery device Supplier/Manufacturer
Machinery and Equipment Supplier/Manufacturer
Primary activities
Contract Manufacturer
Medical Devices

IGS GeboJagema

  • NL
  • 2017
    On CPHI since
  • 1
  • 100 - 249
Company types
Consumer Goods
Drug delivery device Supplier/Manufacturer
Machinery and Equipment Supplier/Manufacturer
Primary activities
Contract Manufacturer
Medical Devices

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    Who we are: As a medical company, you may have a great idea for a device that will give you a competitive edge.But first you have to find a way to manufacture it according to the strict regulatory requirements for medical devices. IGS GeboJagema can help. For over 70 years, we have been delivering high pre...

IGS GeboJagema resources (6)


    IGS GEBOJAGEMA can handle 10 or more moulds needed for one new Drug Delivery Device
  • Whitepaper Green Mould

    Enabling sustainable injection moulding. The efforts to combat climate change will havea huge impact on the world economy over thenext decade and beyond. Greenhouse gasemissions must be reduced dramatically. TheEU is aiming at a reduction of 55% by 2030,compared to 1990 levels.* Similar goals arebeing set both by countries and companies inthe rest of the world.To achieve reductions of this magnitude, all sectors andindustries must investigate ways to do more with less. Thisapplies to all companies involved in injection mouldingas well. Traditionally, the critical factors for moulds havebeen accuracy, cycle time, reliability and maintenancefriendliness.But as the world takes steps towards a carbonneutral economy, we expect that energy usage will becomeincreasingly important.
  • News IGS GEBOJAGEMA Company Movie

    Our problem-solving mindset, proven track record in the healthcare industry, considerable medical experience and meticulously methodical way of working ensures you the highest quality, process control and traceability needed for your medical products.
  • News IGS customer reference project; Actuator, Dose Counter - Dose Indicator

    Who we are

    As a medical company, you may have a great idea for a device that will give you a competitive edge.But first you have to find a way to manufacture it according to the strict regulatory requirements for medical devices. IGS GeboJagema can help. For over 70 years, we have been delivering high precision moulds for some of the most successful metered dose inhalers, insulin pens, diagnostic products and other medical devices in the world. 

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