Product Description

Miledix ® is a food supplement formulated for well-being during menstrual cycle.

Miledix ® is indicated for the women effected of premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea.

The major clinical symptoms are grief, irritability, depression, abdominal cramps, mood changes, low socialization, anxiety, Miledix®sleep disturbance, catamenial migraine, decreased interest.

Premenstrual syndrome, which is very common in women of childbearing age, involves a range of both psychological and physical symptoms. Among the most characteristic disorders are included: mood swings, irritability, fatigue and breast tenderness.

Ingredients: dry extract of saffron affron®, resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum, magnesium bisglycinate and L-tryptophan.

Miledix®is lactose free and gluten free, it is patented in Italy and patent pending in USA, it is certificated Kosher, Halal and Doping Free.


  • IT
  • 2020
    On CPHI since
  • 1
  • 100 - 249
Company types
  • Details
    Miledix® can be found in packs of 14 sachetes with a net weight of 49,0 g 
    Information for use: 1 or 2 sachets per day of Miledix®, dissolved in a glass of still water.

  • Model
  • Measured In


  • IT
  • 2020
    On CPHI since
  • 1
  • 100 - 249
Company types

More Products from Kolinpharma (13)


    Product DOLATROX®

    Dolatrox® is a food supplement formulated for well-being of the joints.

    Dolatrox® is indicated for the patient with osteoarthritis.

    The major clinical symptoms are difficulty in taking a walk, going up and down the stairs, kneeling, taking off and putting on socks and gettin...

    Product DOLTENDIX®

    Doltendix® is a food supplement formulated for well-being of the tendons.

    Doltendix® is indicated for the patient with tendinopathy.

    The major clinical symptoms are pain, swelling, restriction of movement and pain.

    Tendons are made up of dense connective tissu...
  • IVUXUR ® sachets

    Product IVUXUR ® sachets

    Ivuxur® is a food supplement formulated for well-being of the urinary tract.

    Ivuxur® is indicated for the patient with all types of cystitis.

    One of the most common disorders of the urinary tract, especially in women, is cystitis, that can also be found in men. The main ca...
  • IVUXUR® tablets

    Product IVUXUR® tablets

    Ivuxur® is a food supplement formulated for well-being of the urinary tract.

    Ivuxur® is indicated for the patient with all types of cystitis.
    One of the most common disorders of the urinary tract, especially in women, is cystitis. Although the problem mainly affects the female sphere, it can ...
  • KIPFeR®

    Product KIPFeR®

    KIPFeR® is a food supplement formulated to increase the requirement of iron.

    Iron is a microelement present in the body and is essential for the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin. 

    In addition, iron plays an important role in promoting energy metabolism and oxygen transport ...
  • KYMAX®

    Product KYMAX®

    Kymax® is a food supplement formulated for well-being of the normal function of nervous system.
    Kymax® is formulated for subjects with  neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's.
    Kymax® could improve quality of sleep, mood, impaired cognition and constipation, fatigue and pain caused...

    Product MILESAX®

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    Milesax® is indicated for the patient with traumatic/post traumatic contracture.
    The major clinical symptoms are rigidity, inflammation and pain.
    Muscle contraction is a physiological process that requires many substances to...

    Product XINEPA®

    Xinepa® is a food supplement formulated for well-being of the peripheral nervous system.

    Xinepa® is indicated for the patient with peripheral neuropathy.

    The major clinical symptoms are numbness, burning and pain, feeling of electric shock and muscle weakness.

  • XINEPA easy®

    Product XINEPA easy®

    Xinepa easy® is a food supplement formulated for well-being of the peripheral nervous system.

    Xinepa easy® is indicated for the patient with peripheral neuropathy.

    The major clinical symptoms are numbness, burning and pain, feeling of electric shock and muscle weakness.

    Product XINPROX®

    Xinprox® is a food supplement formulated for well-being of the prostate.

    Xinprox® is indicated for the patient with BPH or prostatitis.

    The major clinical symptoms are urinary frequency, urgency, incontinence, weak urinary flow, urinary intermittenc...

    Product ALMETAX®

    Almetax® is a food supplement formulated for well-being in menopause.
    The major clinical symptoms are flushing, imbalance of metabolism, sleep and mood disorders, decreased libido, vaginal dryness and lack of energy.
    Menopause is a physiological and natural phase of every woman's life characterize...
  • ALMETAX easy®

    Product ALMETAX easy®

    Almetax easy® is a food supplement formulated for well-being in menopause.
    The major clinical symptoms are flushing, imbalance of metabolism, sleep and mood disorders, decreased libido, vaginal dryness and lack of energy.
    Menopause is a physiological and natural phase of every woman's life charact...

Kolinpharma resources (18)

  • News KOLINPHARMA®: 3 new patents in Europe and in USA, now rise to 44 the total of patents.

    The Enterprise has achieved 2 new EU patents with validity in Germany, France, and Italy, and 1 USA patent to confirm the efficacy and validity of the activity of R&D.

    Milesax, which has achieved the concession of European patent and validity in Germany, France, and Italy, it is a food supplement formulated for well-being of the muscle.

    Ivuxur, which has achieved the concession of European patent and validity in Germany, France, and Italy, it is a food supplement formulated for well-being of the urinary tract.

    Almetax, which has achieved the concession of USA patent, it is a food supplement formulated thinking of the well-being of women in the period of menopause.

    Rita Paola Petrelli, President of Kolinpharma, has commented: “We are proud to communicate that we have achieved new international patents, which allowed us to give major value of our products and the productive operation of the internal department of R&D.
  • Brochure Kolinpharma portfolio

    We develop and market premium patented nutraceuticals and medical devices. We are specialized in uro-gynecology, orthopedics and immune health. Right now we are looking for distributors.
  • News KOLINPHARMA® has achieved the first patent for Doltendix®

    KOLINPHARMA® has achieved the first patent for Doltendix®, the product was launched in June 2021, and actually, the number of patents has risen to 45 patents.

    The department of R&D has developed Doltendix®, it is a food supplement formulated for the well–being of the tendons, based on bioactive peptides from collagen, astaxanthin, trans-resveratrol, and vitamin C.

    Rita Paola Petrelli, President of Kolinpharma has commented: “After less one year from the launch of Doltendix®, we are proud to proclaim the concession of the patent in Italy, the result of the hard-working and profitable of the R&D.

    We are aware of the value of our formulations, we are interested in requesting the demand of other patents foreign, according to our strategic line and we continue to invest in innovation of our product. 
  • News KOLINPHARMA® signs an agreement with ASTAREAL® AB for distribution in the Asian market

    KOLINPHARMA® signs an important three-year agreement with the multinational ASTAREAL® AB for distribution of products in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

     The agreement, based on the Cross Boarder Ecommerce Law which entered into force in 2019, also provides that Kolinpharma® and AstaReal® undertake to make all the investments necessary for the setup of the e-commerce platforms and social media according to a digital marketing plan and a long-term strategy defined between the management of Kolinpharma® and the local skills of the headquarters team of Shangai by AstaReal®.

    Rita Paola Petrelli, President of KOLINPHARMA®, commented: “We are proud to have sealed this very important partnership with the Swedish multinational, crucial for Kolinpharma's internationalization process. This agreement will allow us to initiate significant commercial development in a market with great potential such as the Asian one, that in China was worth 114.4 bi...
  • News KOLINPHARMA®: has achieved the award as “Leader of growth 2023” for the fifth consecutive year

    Even this year the company is one of 500 Italian enterprises that were distinguished for the major growth of turnover in the period of observation between 2018 and 2021 marking a CAGR of 15.93% turnover.

    The study was born with the collaboration between “Il sole 24 Ore e Statista”, and analysed 8000 companies with a turnover superior of 100,000 Euro in 2018 and 1.5 million in 2021, which distinguished for high tax of growth about turnover, in terms of CAGR, achieved mainly at the organic level.

    The ranking can be found online.
  • News KOLINPHARMA®: has achieved the first patent for Xinprox®

    XINPROX®, studied and developed for the well–being of the prostate, is a food supplement that includes in the formulation raw materials of high quality, technologically advanced, and supported by scientific studies, such as pollen extract, quercetin, alpha lipoic acid, and L-tryptophan.

    Now, Kolinpharma has 46 patents in total, 7 in Italy, 6 in USA, 1 in Israel, and 32 in the principal States of UE.

    Rita Paola Petrelli, president of Kolinpharma has commented: “We are proud to announce that we have achieved the first patent for Xinprox® which testifies the validity of the formulations and the work of the R&D department and of the all company. […] The research is one of our elements of strengths and for this reason, we want to continue and invest and value our product to offer to costumer–patient scientifically validated solutions, patent is synonymous with synergy, uniqueness, and innovation".


  • News KOLINPHARMA® has presented Declinex®, initiating the new line of products dedicated for the neurodegenerative diseases

    Thanks to the active components such as dry extract of green tea, titrated in Epigallocatechingallate, saffron, trans-resveratrol (Veri-te®), citicoline (Cognizin®), zinc and other specific micronutrients, Declinex ® has the object to promote the well – being of the mind, it improves the mood and it has a targeted antioxidant action.

  • News Kolinpharma® is pleased to announce the KIPFeR®

    KIPFeR® is the Iron Hydroxide Adipate Tartrate (IHAT™) dietary supplement that Kolinpharma® has launched on the market following a new agreement with Nemysis LTD.

    It is an iron supplement in nanoparticles, with a structure similar to ferritin, the natural protein that stores iron.

    Therefore, KIPFeR® is effective and well tolerated, without any negative impact on the gut microbiome
  • News KOLINPHARMA® expands the range of products with the launch of Kymax®

    In recent decades, world demographics have changed significantly with a progressive aging of the global population. This aging will continue thanks to constant medical advances. Aging represents the main risk factor for chronic diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases.

    Kymax® is the second product of the line dedicated of neuroscience, by way of the presence of active composts specifically selected and in particular for the vitamins B has the object to promote the good work of the nervous system.

    This launch represents another significant step in the growth strategy of Kolinpharma in the nutraceutical sector, it stresses the engagement of the enterprise to give innovative solutions for the health and it marks efficacy and importance of the internal department of R&D.

    Thanks to the presence of specifically selected active compounds, Kymax ľ can help promote normal mood, due to the presence of saffron dry extract, and brain function, d...
  • News KOLINPHARMA®: has received the prize Credit Reputation Award

    The last March, Kolinpharma has received the prize Credit Reputation Award 2023 of MF CentraleRisk SpA for the second consecutive year.

    The price was given in Milan on 21th March. It recognizes the Italian enterprises for their excellent in the timeliness for the payments and for responsible financial management towards banking institutions.

    For this reason, we are proud, which testifies mutual trust between banks and our company: timeliness and transparency are always characteristics that we believe in the construction for a solid and durable partnership.

  • News KOLINPHARMA®: new patent in China for Doltendix®

    The total number of patents obtained thus rises to n. 49, further strengthening our intellectual property and consolidating our position on the international market.

    The patent in China represents strategical and competitive strengths, which allowed us to defend and value a product still with still successfully marketed in this dynamical market.

    DOLTENDIX® is a food supplement based on bioactive peptides from collagen, astaxanthin, trans-resveratrol and vitamin C, formulated for the well-being of the tendons.

    It is the result of an innovative formulation that demonstrates KOLINPHARMA’s ongoing commitment to research and develop cutting-edge solutions aimed at the well-being of consumers.

    We are proud to continue Italian excellence in the nutraceutical sector and to contribute to improving people’s well-being.


  • News Kolinpharma obtains its 40th patent, first for MILEDIX®

    Miledix is a food supplement formulated with specific ingredients useful for counteracting menstrual cycle disorders
  • News KOLINPHARMA® obtains its 5th patent in the USA for MILESAX® !

    MILESAX® was granted because of the recognized innovation and uniqueness of the composition, with muscle relaxant and anti-inflammatory activity.
  • News KOLINPHARMA® expands its product portfolio with IVUXUR® TABLETS.

    KOLINPHARMA® S.p.A. presents the new product IVUXUR® TABLETS, which is added to the other 9 patented or patent pending products, already present in the portfolio.
  • News Kolinpharma® obtains 3 patents in European Union with validation in 12 new countries beyond Italy. -28/5/2020

    Kolinpharma® expands on the European market and obtains the patent for 3 products with validation in 12 new countries.

  • News KOLINPHARMA® obtains a patent in the United States of America for Dolatrox® - 10/03/2020

    Dolatrox® is a composition for the treatment of arthropathies and osteoarthritis, as stated in the patent certificate. This composition was thus recognized as innovative and unique. Dolatrox is the 4th patent that Kolinpharma obtains in the USA.
  • News For the second year KOLINPHARMA® is on the FT1000 - Europe's Fastest Growing Companies

    KOLINPHARMA® ranks 359th in the fourth edition of the FT1000 2020 Europe's Fastest Growing Companies of the Financial Times.

  • News KOLINPHARMA® obtains the patent in the United States of America for IVUXUR® - 17/6/2019

    This is a further confirmation of the commitment of KOLINPHARMA® aimed at protecting and enhancing the know-how and investments made in R&D.

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  • Product Dermol cream and oitnment

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    Breakthrough pain. Authorized EU-CTD Dossier
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    Contact us for more information.

    Requiring injectables.EU-GMP is a must.
    EU dossier is a must.
    Licensing and supply model or distributorship.
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    Ganciclovir inj

    Teicoplanin inj

    Vancomycin inj

    Levetiracetam inj

    Valproate inj

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    No added sugars and no artificial additives
    Blister pack protects against air and moisture, so a fresh pr...
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  • Product Gamma cough&throat lozenges (100 % natural)

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  • Product Foltène® PHARMA


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  • Product Ventixol 30 mg/5 ml Syrup 150ml bottle

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    Isotonic sea water for daily nasal hygiene.

    120 ml nasal spray. Bag on Valve Technology with a continuous jet and without propellant gas, that avoids the contact with external agents, guarantying the microbiological specifications. It can be used at 360º. It has an ergonomic tip ada...

    COMPOSITION: N-acetyl carnosine, Chondroitin sulphate, Vaccinum myrtillus extract. INDICATION:Eye drops for age-related dry eyes and eye degeneration. Clear and sharp vision, vasoprotector, antioxidant, moisturizer proterties. PRESENTATION: bottle with 10ml sterile solution. CE Medical Device...
  • Product Eslotin (Tablets)

    Desloratadine, 2.5 or 5 mg. 

    Available in 10, 20, or 30 Film-Coated Tablets.
  • Product Cough and cold

    Nasal Spray Cold and Sinus, Throat Spray.Hypertonical Nasal Spray to treat allergic and nonallergic rhinitis.
  • Product Specialized Effervescent Products

    For Cold & Cough, Bone Health & other vital products.
  • Product Glycerine Suppositories 2.2 g

    Dr. Müller Pharma provides wide range of products which includes Glycerine Suppositories 2.2 g.

    Glycerine in the suppository supports bowel evacuation and stool softening and moistening. It increases the stool volume in the lower part of the large intestine and makes defecation easier.

  • Product Eudiamet ® 40:1

    Prevention is always easier than treatment
    Dietary Supplement to prevent metabolic disease in subjects overweight,obese, and with mild dysmetabolism. • Pharmaceutical form: Tablets • Clinical trials: Several studies on the molecules confirm the improvement in insulin sensitivity and i...
  • Product Ferosom Forte Sticks

    Medicinal Ingredients (per 1 stick):

    Iron (Ferric Pyrophosphate microencapsulated in LCE Liposomal™ Form)21 mgFolic Acid400 mcg
    Vitamin B121.75 mcg
    Vitamin B61 mg
    Vitamin C70 mg
    Vitamin D10 mcg

    Iasis Pharma S.A. provides a wide range of products which includes Metformin Hydrochloride. 1st therapeutic step in every Diabetes Mellitus Type II treatment algorithm. 1st line treatment for glucose reduction (ADA & EASD). Contact us for more information.
  • Product Bimeox® 0.3mg/ml - Glaucoma (Preservative-free) - Rx

    Bimeox® Bimatoprost 0.3 mg/ml, a well-known prostaglandin analogue eye drop, preservative-free, presented in single-dose vials using our Blow-Fill-Seal Technology.

    • Innovative format in single-dose vials • Preservative-free for better tolerability • Sterile until ope...

    We have developed the Nootropics segment for the Betterment of Cognitive Health, our Nootropics segment contains NOOS PLUS CAPSULE & NOOS PLUS SACHET, which is the best in the category & provides the best results. 
    1. Enhanced Cognitive Performance • Promotes sharper focus, improved...
  • Product Ergon capsules

    Ergon capsules is a dietary supplement of Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid useful to fill nutritional deficiencies or increased needs of these nutrients.

    DOSAGETake one capsule a day. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

    20 mg of Iron, 100 mg of Ascorbic...
  • Product VORENT (voriconazole) 200 MG FILM COATED TABLET


    VORENT is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent belonging to the triazole group, indicated for the treatment of the following fungal infections:

    • Treatment of invasive aspergillosis, • Treatment of candidemia in non-neutropenic patients...
  • Product Nutriregular Flora flaconcini

    Balance of intestinal flora, dysbiosis Range of application
    • in case of diarrhoea
    • in the case of antibiotic therapy
    • in the case of eating disorders
    • in case of vaginal mycosis (adjuvant-quote)
    • in case of intestinal dysbiosis
    • in case of atopy. 

    Nutriregular F...
  • Product Panref (Pantoprazole)

    Gastrointestinal System & Metabolism
  • Product Sterile Water for Injection

    Is sterile, nonpyrogenic, distilled water in a single dose container for intravenous administration after addition of a suitable solute. It may also be used as a dispensing container for diluent use.