LYL krill oil KID gummy bears (the most delicious premium class omega-3, in the form of phospholipids, suitable for children)

LYL krill oil KID gummy bears (the most delicious premium class omega-3, in the form of phospholipids, suitable for children)
Product Description

Tastiest premium class omega3 source with proven highest absorption and bioavailability. Based on our customer experience LYL Krill Oil KID is a product that kids not only enjoy, but ask for more of it.
Besides LYL Krill oil line benefits, LYL Krill Oil KID is:

  • The only SuperbaKrill™ patented FlexitechTM technology krill oil bears in the world, which ensures the good taste of it
  • Our company is the only ones who have authorized rights to provide this product worldwide.
  • 100% natural product, no colouring and flavour enhancers.
  • Enriched with vitamins A, D3, C and E, which are crucial for a child’s growth and strong immune system;
  • The unique form of phospholipids is able to transport omega-3s to brain cells, which are vital for children's brain function, development and learning.

Pharm & Med, Sabiedriba ar ierobeotu at

  • LV
  • 2017
    On CPHI since
  • 1
  • 1 - 24
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Pharm & Med, Sabiedriba ar ierobeotu at

  • LV
  • 2017
    On CPHI since
  • 1
  • 1 - 24
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  • Brochure pharm&med company and product offer

    We create trendsetting products, based on consumer demand and deep market tendency research. To prove product efficiency, results are based with Clinically studies. We choose cooperation partners worldwide for LYL brand both distribution and private label A description of the company and the products offered, as well as the benefits and options of cooperation. To find out more please contact one of our representatives. You will find contacts at the end of the presentation.

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