Leading Engineering And Design Consultancy Services

Leading Engineering And Design Consultancy Services
Product Description

DCPL Internaional offers wide range of services which includes leading engineering and design consultancy services. It provides turnkey solutions to pharmaceutical, biotech, chemical, food and allied industries to suit the clients needs, right from concept to commissioning. Energy efficient and economical design along with the total commitment to quality and consumer satisfaction are the hallmarks of the service. It offer the following services: plot & contour planning, plant layout, man & material movement details, preliminary architechtural drawings, hvac concepts, preliminary utility specifications, power requirement estimation, preliminary, project cost estimation & scheduling, environmental & safety engineering, future expansion possibilities. Under this stage the detail engineering is being worked out as follows: architectural (drawings showing plans, elevations and sections, preparation of room book, room finishes & material selection for inside and outside packaging section, generation of perspective views), implementation (for construction on site. During construction phase, a resident site engineer or a visiting engineer is present at the job site for the period of construction and is responsible for coordinating of all field activities.), commissioning & validation (validation includes the following: master planning, validation program building, validation & gmp auditing, protocol development & execution, process / material qualification, system record drawing, standard operating procedures ( sop )), green building services (it includes architectural design, structural designs, green building certification (leed-usgbc / igbc, griha etc.), energy analysis and modelling, building simulation for daylight and views, sun path analysis for building orientation and massing for new and existing buildings). Contact us for more information.

DCPL Internaional

  • IN
  • 2017
    On CPHI since
Company types
Contract Service
  • Selling Points
    Quality Service
  • Supplied from

DCPL Internaional

  • IN
  • 2017
    On CPHI since
Company types
Contract Service

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