Intelligent Manufacturing System for Cellular and Cell-derived Products

Product Description

Intelligent Manufacturing System for Cellular and Cell-derived Products is an facility integrated with multifunctional workstaion and IoT Software powered by KINGCELL Regenerative Medicine Co., Ltd. It provides integrated solution for cellular therapy, blood product, antibody, viral vector and exosome manufacturing. This system is the first of its kind to integrate full functionality (material disinfection, environmental control, cell extraction, cell culture, product purification, and data collection), enabling large-scale deployment and replication of biopharmaceutical systems.

Kingcell Regenerative Medicine (Guangdong) Co., Ltd

  • CN
  • 2024
    On CPHI since

Kingcell Regenerative Medicine (Guangdong) Co., Ltd

  • CN
  • 2024
    On CPHI since

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