IHF FEP Lined Chemical Pump

IHF FEP Lined Chemical Pump
Product Description

IHF Series pump is a single-stage, fluorinated ethylene propylene-lined, chemical centrifugal pump, grease or oil bath lubrication,external installed mechanical seals, heavy dutyhorizontal design. Technical specifications to ISO 15783 andISO 5199. The pump design permits dismantling of completebearing unit towards the drive end, without the pump casinghaving to be disconnected from the piping. If a spacer couplingis used, it is also unnecessary to disconnect the motor.The IHF type pump is a YONJOU standard pump for all theapplications listed.All components which come into contact with the medium areeither plastic-lined or made of other resistant materials, e.g.silicon carbide.

Zhejiang YonJou Technology Co., Ltd

  • CN
  • 2019
    On CPHI since

Zhejiang YonJou Technology Co., Ltd

  • CN
  • 2019
    On CPHI since

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