
Product Description

Althena Medical

  • IT
  • 2020
    On CPHI since
  • 3
  • 25 - 49
Company types
Primary activities
Medical Devices
Packaging & drug delivery

Althena Medical

  • IT
  • 2020
    On CPHI since
  • 3
  • 25 - 49
Company types
Primary activities
Medical Devices
Packaging & drug delivery

More Products from Althena Medical (2)

  • Dosecare

    Product Dosecare

    Dosecare is a dosing syringe for oral liquids.

    It differs from the others as it allows you to simply and intuitively save the dose of liquid to be administered. Therefore once the dose is set, dosing errors are prevented, time is saved, there is no waste and soiling.

  • Sycare

    Product Sycare

    Sycare is a pre-fillable syringe in Cop. It is the only one on the market to also have a threaded cap made of COP.

    The threaded cap is unique and patented. It provides a remarkable sealing power, combined with an exclusive design. Sycare has been designed to be recognisable and to distinguish t...

Althena Medical resources (1)

  • Video Sycare pre-filleble Syringe made of COP

    Sycare is a pre-fillable syringe in Cop. It is the only one on the market to also have a threaded cap made of COP.

    The threaded cap is unique and patented. It provides a remarkable sealing power, combined with an exclusive design. Sycare has been designed to be recognisable and to distinguish the customer’s product from others.

    Other features of Sycare are:

    -very low friction of the plunger in the barrel;

    -durable: prevents cracks and breakages;

    -100% customisable in colours, shape and volumes;

    -available in standard 1ml, 3ml, 5ml formats;

    -maximum volume: 6.5ml;

    -remains transparent even after being sterilised in an autoclave;

    -rigid and durable rod;

    -ergonomic and durable finger grip;

    -integrated back stop