GSS P Steam Sterilizer for pharmaceutical production

GSS P Steam Sterilizer for pharmaceutical production
Product Description

GSS P is a steam sterilizer from Getinge for component sterilization in pharmaceutical production. GSS P ensure a reproducible process, product quality and a safe environment. This makes it easier to achieve high performance, productivity and a streamlined process.
Getinge develops, manufactures and supports complete steam sterilizer systems for life science.
The GSS P has standard chamber sizes ranging from 0.4 to 9 cubic meters (10 to 400 cubic feet) and flexibility allowing customization that perfectly fit your autoclave machine to the production set-up.
State-of-the-art design, secure process configuration, an intuitive interface and global service network are all part of the reason why the GSS P helps you eliminate unplanned production stops.


  • SE
  • 2019
    On CPHI since
  • 100 - 249
Company types


  • SE
  • 2019
    On CPHI since
  • 100 - 249
Company types

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