GEMCITABINA 200mg y  1 G
Product Description

Fabricado por FARMACO URUGUAYO empresa de la Corporación MEDIFARMA,  Planta de manufactura de productos Oncologicos  en Uruguay, Certificada  por ANVISA de Brasil, CECMED de Cuba, DIGEMID de Perú y MSP de Uruguay, con exportacion a mas de 12 paises de America.

Manufactured by FARMACO URUGUAYO company of the MEDIFARMA Corporation, Oncological product manufacturing plant in Uruguay, Certified by ANVISA of Brazil, CECMED of Cuba, DIGEMID of Peru and MSP of Uruguay, with exports to more than 12 countries in America.


Medifarma S.A.

  • PE
  • 2020
    On CPHI since

Medifarma S.A.

  • PE
  • 2020
    On CPHI since

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  • Brochure Linea Oncologica Farmaco Uruguayo - Corp. Medifarma

    Linea Oncologica  fabricada por FARMACO URUGUAYO empresa de la Corporación MEDIFARMA.

    Planta de manufactura de productos Oncologicos  en Uruguay, Certificada  por ANVISA de Brasil, CECMED de Cuba, DIGEMID de Perú y MSP de Uruguay, con exportacion a mas de 12 paises de America.

    Manufactured by FARMACO URUGUAYO company of the MEDIFARMA Corporation, Oncological product manufacturing plant in Uruguay, Certified by ANVISA of Brazil, CECMED of Cuba, DIGEMID of Peru and MSP of Uruguay, with exports to more than 12 countries in America.

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