DecFill® Aseptic Filling Solutions

DecFill® Aseptic Filling Solutions
Product Description

DecFill® solutions are configured to meet a wide range of product and customer requirements. These include de-bagging, de-lidding and de-nesting units and various other options to accurately fill liquids, powders and gels into the various containers.To ensure highest process performance within a controlled environment, DecFill® equipment can be integrated into the required containment systems such as an o-RABS or an aseptic isolator

Dec Group

  • CH
  • 2020
    On CPHI since
  • 4
  • 500 - 999
Company types
Machinery and Equipment Supplier/Manufacturer
Primary activities
Cleanroom Technology
  • Details
    DecFill® aseptic filling lines are designed to offer easy to operate systems optimizing production and minimizing change over time. From manual to fully automated lines, Dec offers comprehensive solutions for small and laboratory to highly flexible production scale needs suited for a wide range of primary packaging including double-chamber syringes. DecFill® systems are versatile and scalable platforms that can handle the increasing demands and complexities of aseptic filling and come with innovative dosing technologies for both powder and liquids. 
  • Selling Points
    Packaging; Product Performance
  • Model
    DecFill® - LAB / DecFill® - MB / DecFill® - SB / DecFill® - PS

Dec Group

  • CH
  • 2020
    On CPHI since
  • 4
  • 500 - 999
Company types
Machinery and Equipment Supplier/Manufacturer
Primary activities
Cleanroom Technology

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  • Process Isolator Technology

    Product Process Isolator Technology

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  • PTS Powder Transfer System®

    Product PTS Powder Transfer System®

    PTS is a significant enhancement to any process, providing total containment where necessary, but always speeding up production whilst improving safety and hygiene.
    Batch times are substantially reduced and existing process steps are linked to each other.

Dec Group resources (8)

  • Brochure Trusted Leader in Process Containment

    Powder Handling, Processing and Containment for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing True end-to-end solutions for batch and continuous processing
  • Brochure Aseptic Filling Lines for Powder and Liquids

    Accurate fill-finish solutions within open or closed RABS from lab to full production scale
  • Brochure General Company Presentation

    Who we are and what we do - true end-to-end solutions - from molecules to final dosage forms.
  • Whitepaper Dual Chamber Syringe Filling inside an Isolator

    In the medical and healthcare industry, there is an increasing demand for prefilled syringes as a drug delivery format. It offers various advantages such as ease of drug handling, high dosing accuracy and maintaining drug stability. This form of drug delivery system minimizes potential contamination from bacteria which further ensures patient safety. Dual chamber syringes combine the storage of a powdered and a diluent into one primary packaging. By simply exerting pressure on the plunger, the liquid of the lower chamber is forced into the chamber that houses the drug substance, allowing the content of both chambers to be mixed and easily administered. This simplifies the administration process and ensures a longer shelf life of the drug substance, which provides great advantages compared with conventional vial drug delivery systems.
  • Brochure Particle Size Reduction

    Dec can integrate a number of milling equipment into their process solutions including Dec’s crusher, Co-Mill, hammermill, UMS DecMill® and the MC DecJet® spiral jet mill range. Whatever concept best suits your needs, our solutions focus on high safety and containment, increased productivity and streamlining processes.
  • Brochure Dec Group Competencies

    Dec products offer a high level of safety for both operator and product. Our advanced system concepts, from the unique PTS Powder Transfer System® to highly complex integrated handling and processing equipment, allow you to increase your productivity while respecting current legal requirements. Dec products are divided into the following groups.

    Powder Handling 
    Particle Size Reduction
    Filling Solutions
    Containment Technologies
    Continuous Processing 
  • Brochure DecFill® Aseptic Filling Solutions

    DecFill® aseptic filling lines are designed to offer easy to operate systems optimizing production and minimizing change over time. From manual to fully automated lines, Dec offers comprehensive solutions for small and laboratory to highly flexible production scale filling lines suited for a wide range of primary packaging including double-chamber syringes.

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