Clinical Trial Design

Clinical Trial Design
Product Description

Study design is a significant phase of any clinical research project. At Atlantia we feel that our careful planning and guidance to our clients coupled with our extensive experience with regulation, pre diseased and diseased populations, is what brings our clients back time and again to trust us with their scientific validations.

Our scientific team will work with our sponsors to agree on the most suitable research design depending on the desirable outcomes. We have experience designing acute, bioavailability, observational and interventional studies.

Atlantia Clinical Trials

  • IE
  • 2017
    On CPHI since
  • 100 - 249
Company types
Contract Service
  • Supplied from
    Ireland; United States

Atlantia Clinical Trials

  • IE
  • 2017
    On CPHI since
  • 100 - 249
Company types
Contract Service

More Products from Atlantia Clinical Trials (2)

  • Clinical Trial Conduct & Management

    Product Clinical Trial Conduct & Management

    Prior to the conducting of the clinical trial, the study must be approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Then a Site Initiation Visit (SIV) will be performed and the clinical staff (Medical Doctor, Research Nurses, Clinical Trials Assistant, Nutritionist, Research Technician etc.) will be...
  • Clinical Trial Reporting

    Product Clinical Trial Reporting

    The Atlantia Clinical Research team provides a comprehensive study reporting service. Our statisticians adhere to ICH-GCP standards to produce a statistical study report, and if the client requests, a full clinical study report.Atlantia maintains no rights to Intellectual Property generated from this study...

Atlantia Clinical Trials resources (2)

  • News State-of-the-art Chicago-based clinical site

    This article will briefly discuss the many benefits of conducting a multi-centre human clinical trial, while also touching on the industry leading capabilities and processes of Atlantia Clinical Trials.
  • Video What's the regulatory landscape for OTC products in Europe?

    Nutraceuticals and over-the-counter (OTC) products are regulated by EFSA. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) states that human intervention studies are ‘central’ to health claim substantiation and are also the ‘top of the hierarchy’ that informs decisions. Just how much data is necessary to deliver a positive health claim opinion and what can we learn from tracking past published opinions of EFSA’s NDA Panel. What are the key deliverables for any human intervention study or package of human studies?

    The key takeaways:
    Health claims may not be quite as challenging to achieve as some people may think - as long as you design and deliver a consistent package of good quality human intervention studies. Published scientific opinions from EFSA’s NDA Panel covering previous health claim applications offer a great resource to future health claim applicants. The principle of GCP (Good Clinical Practice), is vital to delivering a study that will meet the expectations of EFSA reviewers.

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