Child Resistant folding box

Child Resistant folding box
Product Description

Young children are curious by nature and always up todiscovering new things. Children often get poisonedbecause they find dangerous products at their reachand they simply do not know they are harmful. Childresistant packaging is a key prevention device.The IGB CR cartons are made of a tear-resistant,100% plastic-free cardboard that children cannot ripopen. The cartons relock automatically when closedand can easily be opened by adults and elders.The IGB CR Folding Box is suitable for both handpackaging and automated packaging lines.


  • IT
  • 2015
    On CPHI since
  • 3
  • 50 - 99
Company types
Primary activities
Packaging & drug delivery
Packaging materials


  • IT
  • 2015
    On CPHI since
  • 3
  • 50 - 99
Company types
Primary activities
Packaging & drug delivery
Packaging materials

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