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Apiprodent® spray for gums

Apiprodent® spray for gums
Product Description

GUMS PROTECTIONFROM DAMAGESpray contains: propolis tincture, tinctures ofhealing herbals (tormentil, oak bark, sage, chamomile,and peppermint essential oil). Apiprodent®spray is a combination of propolis and healingherbs which unifies their healing properties havinga relieving effect on gums and mouth cavitymucous membrane. Formation of a protectivefilm enables easier recovery of damaged gumsand oral cavity. It protects the gums, especiallyduring meals, when the gums are sensitive andoften susceptible to additional damage. Herbaltinctures and excipients contribute to a pleasantaroma and flavour correction. It may be used ifthe mucosa of the mouth has been damaged byaphtae and similar erosions or as a remedy fortoothache and bleeding gums. It is also recommendedfor bad breath.Net quantity 20 mlInstructions for useSpray Apiprodent® spray for gums on damagedmucous membrane and gum two to three timesper day.


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