Product Description

Abhayrab is a purified Inactivated Rabies Vaccine prepared on Vero cells and is used for the prophylactic or post exposure immunization against Rabies. The vaccine is prepared using L.Pasteur 2061/Vero Rabies strain and is exported widely to 40 countries worldwide. Each pack consists of 1 dose vial along with Diluent Ampoule (0.5 ml), Sterile disposable syringe with needle and vaccination card. With IIL having the world's largest human rabies vaccine capacity, we can cater to the needs of our customers in any situation. 

Indian Immunologicals Ltd

  • IN
  • 2019
    On CPHI since
  • 1000 - 4999
Company types
Biopharmaceutical company

Indian Immunologicals Ltd

  • IN
  • 2019
    On CPHI since
  • 1000 - 4999
Company types
Biopharmaceutical company

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